Testi CanzoniJason Mraz - Love Is Still The Answer (Testo)

Jason Mraz – Love Is Still The Answer (Testo)


Leggi il Testo Love Is Still The Answer Jason Mraz. “Love Is Still The Answer” è una canzone di Jason Mraz estratta dall’album “Know.” (2018). Love Is Still The Answer Lyrics

Testo Love Is Still The Answer Jason Mraz

The question is why, why are we here?
To say our hellos and goodbyes, then disappear
This beautiful life, what is it for?
To learn how to master peace or master war?

There’s only one answer that matters
Even if your heart has been shattered
Whatever you want, whatever you are after
Love is still the answer
Love is still the answer

Love, love, love, love
Love, love, love, love

We all make mistakes, no, we’re not perfect yet
Maybe God made us all from an accident
And the question that sits on everyone’s lips
Is why should we pick ourselves up and start over again?

There’s only one answer that matters
Even if your heart has been shattered
Whatever you want, whatever you are after
Love is still the answer
Love is still the answer

Love, love, love, love
Love, love, love

The question I’ll ask at the end of my days
Is what did I give and what will I take?

There’s only one (there’s only one) answer that matters (answer that matters)
Even if your heart and your dreams have been shattered
Whatever you want, whatever you are after
Love is still the answer
Love is still the answer

Love, love, love, love
Love, love, love
Love, love, love, love
Love, love, love

Love is still the answer

Jason Mraz - Know (Album)
Jason Mraz – Know (Album)

Testo Love Is Still The Answer Jason Mraz

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