Testi CanzoniDua Lipa - Last Dance (Testo)

Dua Lipa – Last Dance (Testo)


Leggi il Testo Last Dance Dua Lipa. “Last Dance” è una canzone di Dua Lipa estratta dall’album “Dua Lipa (Complete Edition)” (2018). Last Dance Lyrics, Dua Lipa.

Testo Last Dance Dua Lipa

Fatal, this attraction
Yeah, we might just end up crashin’
But I’m ready if it happens with you
Meet me out in Cali when I’m far away from family
And I need someone to hold onto

You’re the only thing I know
And I don’t wanna let this go
Close to you I feel, feel like I’m at home
Can’t wait ‘til we’re alone

We were built to last
We were built like that
Baby, take my hand
Dive in this romance
We could burn and crash
We could take a chance
Holdin’ nothin’ back
Like it’s our last dance
Like it’s our last dance
Like it’s our last dance

Left my heart wide open
Fallin’ in and out of focus
Pressure flowin’ like a river in my head
Crying you ain’t with me and it’s floodin’ the whole city
While my soul’s burnin’ like a cigarette

You’re the only thing I know
And I don’t wanna let this go
Close to you I feel, feel like I’m at home
Can’t wait ‘til we’re alone

We were built to last
We were built like that
Baby take my hand
Dive in this romance
We could burn and crash
We could take a chance
Holdin’ nothin’ back
Like it’s our last dance
Like it’s our last dance
Like it’s our last dance
Like it’s our last dance
Like it’s our last dance

Way too soon to feel so strong
Way too young to hurt so long
I’m hurtin’
Was it worth it?
Way too soon to feel so strong
Way too young to hurt so long
I’m hurtin’
Was it worth it?

Like it’s our last dance
Like it’s our last dance
Like it’s our last dance

Dua Lipa (Complete Edition)
Dua Lipa (Complete Edition)

Testo Last Dance Dua LipaTesti Dua Lipa Complete Edition

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